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Current location: Home > Key Issues > Key IssuesStakeholder Perspectives on Chinese Investment in EV Critical Minerals
China CCC Corporate Citizenship Multi-Stakeholder Round Table
USA StopDate and Time: Nov 21,2024 2:00pm-4:00pm
Location: San Jose Convention Center LL20CD, San Jose, CA
The soaring demand for critical minerals in the electric vehicle (EV) industry is driven by various factors impacting the sector. The International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts a doubling of the demand for critical minerals by 2030, reflecting the global momentum towards achieving net-zero emissions. Notably, by 2040, the demand for lithium, a crucial mineral in EV battery production, is expected to surge to over 40 times the current levels.
In response to this escalating demand, companies operating within the EV supply chain are under increasing pressure to comply with stringent environmental, social, and governance standards. This pressure compels them to prioritize sourcing critical minerals from ethical and environmentally responsible suppliers, thereby advancing the clean energy transition and decentralization efforts. Furthermore, the EV industry's reliance on minerals like lithium, cobalt, nickel, and rare earth elements highlights the intricate connection between mineral supply chains, environmental sustainability, and the overall growth of the EV ecosystem.
Muti-stakeholders Round Table
The strategic importance of critical minerals is amplifying geopolitical risks related to supply chains, human rights, and social or community engagements, with each stakeholder providing a unique perspective on these issues. Noteworthy activities have been organized by China CCC in Indonesia, the EU, and China, and the next stop is in the U.S.
For the upcoming session, stakeholders including NGOs from China and the EU, relevant companies based in China, Indonesia, and Africa, trade unions in Indonesia, and brands will be invited. This diverse engagement aims to stimulate discussions on responsible mining practices in EV critical minerals. Additionally, it seeks to promote collaboration across regions and address the critical need for sustainable mining practices within the sector.
Muti-stakeholders Round Table Agenda
Xiaobing Wang
Deputy Secretary General at
China Committee of Corporate Citizenship and Trade Union, China Association of Social Workers
Committed to building a multi-stakeholder platform for enterprises, supply chains, brands, NGOs,
intergovernmental agencies, etc.
Committed to through multi-level communication to eliminate the barriers caused by language,
culture and geography, and to strive promoting the synchronized and sustainable development of trade and CSR/ESG issues.
Keynote Speaker
Johannes Maximilian van Lingen
Advisor at the German Helpdesk on Business and Human Rights
Johannes Maximilian van Lingen is an advisor at the German Helpdesk on Business and Human
Rights by the German Federal Government. As part of his law studies in Berlin, Beijing and Tokyo,
Johannes specialized in company law, human rights and Chinese law. In the free and confidential
consultations for the Helpdesk on Business and Human Rights, Johannes consults German
companies in German, English or Chinese on the practical implementation of human rights due
diligence. Drawing on experiences at the German Federal Foreign Office and corporate law firms in Berlin, Taipei and Tokyo, Johannes is specialized in human rights due diligence for German companies in China.
Chris Yang
Independent Sustainability Advisor
Ms. Chris Yang has made significant contributions to the fields of Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR), Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives, and sustainable practices across various industries.With 14 years experience in mineral supply chain due diligence, and a deep
understanding of global standards like OECD Due Diligence for Responsible Business Conduct,
SA8000, the Responsible Critical Minerals Initiative (RCI), she has been at the forefront of promoting responsible mining and corporate accountability. Demonstrates her dedication to promoting
sustainable development and social equity.
Riswan Lubis
President of FPE
The Mining and Energy Federation (FPE) is a labor union that specifically handles labor issues in the mining and energy sectors. FPE was established on April 30, 1998, in Indonesia FPE is affiliated with the Confederation of Indonesian Prosperous Labor Unions (KSBSI), while at the international level FPE is affiliated with Industrial.
Jen Green
VP for Partnerships and Advisory of Labor Solutions
Jen Green is a member of the NY bar and human rights expert with over 12 years’ experience advising companies and asset managers in Southeast Asia. Jen has a trusted advisor to major energy and infrastructure projects, international development organziations, microfinance banks, venture capital funds, and other leading multinationals and industry initiatives across fashion and footwear, commodities and agri-products, and electronics sectors. Jen is the VP for Partnerships and Advisory for Labor Solutions, a women-owned and -run tech firm based in SE Asia that improves the lives of workers through improving education, connection and engagement with their employers and designing supplier-centered solutions for global sustainability and human rights reporting. Jen leads a team of experts in sustainability and human rights due diligence and supports the sustainability and human rights programs of over 70 major multinational corporations, and works with UN agencies, standards setters, certification programs, donor-funded projects, and multistakeholder initiatives to provide practical advice about grievance mechanisms and worker engagement.
Host: China Committee of Corporate Citizenship and Trade Union, China Association of Social Workers
Organizer:ESG Cooperation Hub